The foundation envisions that with it’s four-way integrated approach of conservation, innovation, education & research, and with lasting national and international partnerships, a new way of contributing to the world-wide recognized Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 13, 9, 6, 12, 7, 11, and 17) ,which Suriname also has committed to, can be achieved. The initiatives of the Foundation will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which have been documented to have a lasting impact on climate change.
I. Generate an inventory and preserve the unique biodiversity and ecosystems of the site.
II. Rehabilitate where needed in cooperation with relevant stakeholders the surrounding areas, affected by timber exploration.
III. Promote habitat management, ecological restoration and public policy dialogue on conservation and rehabilitation of degraded areas.
IV. Serve as a sample of nature preservation sites.
V. Prevent forest and biodiversity degradation.
VI. Serve as a community based monitoring/reporting station in support of for instance the National Forest Monitoring System and other related existing systems and methodologies.
VII. Enhancement of forest carbon stocks.
I. Facilitate research and educational initiatives, by operating field stations and facilities amidst the tropical ecosystem.
II. Stimulate greater public and scientific understanding of the natural habitat.
III. Promote responsible use and best practices while living on site (see also objectives no.3).
IV. Provide access into the site area through various trails to facilitate research and documentation efforts (while carefully not adding to forest and biodiversity degradation, conform objectives no.1).
V. In partnering with specialists facilitate data gathering and processing for specifically tailored purposes conform internationally recognized principles (see also objectives no.4).
I. Provide knowledge, technology and resources aimed at making nature conservation more effective and impactful.
II. Facilitate testing of innovative technologies by national and international partners (see also objective no.4).
III. Test and operate sustainable and energy efficient methods of energy generation (ex. use of micro-hydro plants for areas with naturally flowing water and suitable topography).
IV. Testing and operating of water systems without external power generation.
V. Environmentally sound waste management.
VI. Sustainable and efficient use of locally attained materials for infrastructure/building.
VII. Design and implement a test base for suitable horticulture, aquaculture, hydroponics, or permaculture applications, promoting self sufficiency.
I. Collaborate with partners to exchange best practices (infrastructural, applied and used operating systems) while striving to meet the highest preservation of the site.
II. Maintain strong supportive relationships with universities and research institutes, government agencies, local institutions and other relevant stakeholders.
III. In partnership with renown institutions and educational facilities facilitate data gathering and training services to national institutions and organizations.
IV. Serve as a best practices sample and proven concept base for various relevant stakeholders.
V. Facilitate implementation of proven innovative technology use nationally and internationally.
VI. Align with stakeholders on best practice use in the area, specifically users of the existing natural resources, promoting and stimulating sustainable use of our forest.
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